Maratón San Carlos, April 27, 2025

Medio Maratón San Carlos / Guaymas Ruta, April 27:

On Sunday, April 27, starting at 6:00am, run 5k, 10k or 21k in the Medio Maratón Guaymas.

The race starts and ends at Armida Hotel in Guaymas.

The cost is 580 pesos for 21k and 490 pesos for 10k and 5k.

Find more information and register online here. And follow the event on Facebook.

Maratón San Carlos, November 17, 2024

On Sunday November 17, test your running stamina in Medio Maratón San Carlos.

Participants can run either 6.5k. 21k or 42k.

The 42 km and 21 km races start at Sawari Hotel at 6:00am and 6:30am and the 6.5 km starts at the Delfinario at 7:00am. All races end at the Hotel Playa de Cortes in Guaymas.

The cost is

  • 500 pesos for the 42 km race,
  • 350 pesos for the 21 km race, and
  • 250 pesos for the 6.5 km race.

Sign up via whatsapp at 662 106 0716, until July 31 and add a souvenir dry fit dolphins edition t-shirt for just 50 pesos more.

Starting at / Horarios de salida:
42 km – 6:00 am
21 km – 6:30 am
6.5 km – 7:00 am

Visit the Facebook page for more information.


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