Sector Bahía is close to Tetakawi and has beautiful views of the Bahía. Depending on where you are, you can enjoy sunrise and / or sunset views.
Several great walks and hikes start here.
Sector Bahía is close to Tetakawi and has beautiful views of the Bahía. Depending on where you are, you can enjoy sunrise and / or sunset views.
Several great walks and hikes start here.
The Caracol Peninsula is located near the marina and steps from great local restaurants, bars and nightlife. There is a palm-lined semi-private beach within the neighborhood called Cotton Cove that is great for swimming, snorkeling and kayaking / paddleboarding. The beach is on the Bahia on overlooks Tetakawi.
Most homes in the Caracol have sweeping views over the water and / or mountains.
Villa Hermosa is close to the main boulevard and walking distance to multiple beaches and to dozens of local restaurants, bars and other nightlife.
Situated between Tetakawi Blvd and the waterfront, the Creston neighborhood is familiar to most San Carlos residents as the southern half of the community’s main commercial strip.
Situated between the more intense development closer to Tetakawi Blvd and the hills to the north (“Cerro Canteras”), the Ranchitos comprise one of the largest sectors in San Carlos. Are they really “little ranches”, as the name implies?
If you have a home on the market today, it is more important than ever that your home is well-staged and visually appealing, both outside and inside.
What the heck is “Terrenos Ganados al Mar”?
Okay, so you have experienced the magic of San Carlos and have decided to secure your niche and buy property on the waterfront. After all, where else can you live the dream of owning a luxury beachfront home in North America without being on the Rich and Famous list?
Buying in San Carlos Mexico
Have you been visiting San Carlos for years? Perhaps you are here for the first time and have fallen in love with our beautiful landscape, active lifestyle, affordable living and wish to call San Carlos home.
Purchasing real estate in Mexico is safe and easy.
Selling your Home in San Carlos Mexico: if you are considering selling your home in San Carlos Mexico, then I can probably guess what is running through your mind, “How much can I get for my home?” and, “How much is this going to cost me?” Like the US,
Foreigners who wish to acquire property situated within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Mexico’s coast must do so through trusts administered by a Mexican bank (Fedeicomiso).